quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011

The Gingerbread Man

We listened to the CYP Children's Books edition
Picture: "The Gingerbread Man", CYP

There was once an old couple who lived in a nice house. The old man loved gardening and the old woman loved to cook. Then she had an idea: she decided to bake a gingerbread man to offer the old man. When the cookie was almost ready, they heard a voice saying: 'Let me out! Let me out!'
They went to see what was happening and a gingerbread man jumped out of the oven and started to run across the farm.
He found a huge cow that started to run after him, she was very hungry.
He run faster.
Then, he found a horse that also started to chase him, but he managed to escape.
Later he found a fox that also wanted to eat him, but to mislead him, the fox decided to offer a ride across the lake, because the biscuit was made of flour and sugar. So the biscuit climbed to the head of the fox and when he reached the middle of the lake the fox raised its head and ate the cookie! 
The English Club Students, Sofia 6ºB


Recipe:         Gingerbread Man

125g butter
1/2 C sugar
1/2 t ground ginger
2 1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 C  sweetened condensed milk
1 egg
2 1/2 C flour
1 t baking powder

Cream the butter and sugar, add in the ground ginger, cinnamon, condensed milk and egg, and beat until fluffy. Sift in the baking powder and flour, and mix well to form a stiff dough. Refrigerate for 15 minutes in gladwrap. Roll out to about 5mm thickness – we do this in between 2 sheets of cooking paper.
Cut out gingerbread men and place on lined oven trays using baking paper. You’ll easily get a couple of trays of biscuits out of the mixture by rolling out the scraps again after each cutting. Bake in a 180 degree C preheated oven one tray at a time until the biscuits are light golden brown (for about 8 minutes per tray).

The Story of Thanksgiving

O Thanksgiving remonta a 1620 quando um grupo de ingleses partiu para a América em busca de uma nova vida. Nessa altura, a América era habitada por 'índios'. A vida na América era muito difícil: estavam longe de casa, não tinham muita comida e não sabiam muito acerca de como construir casas. Era muito difícil sobreviver aos Invernos, muitos ficavam doentes ou morriam.
Algum tempo depois, os nativos americanos decidiram ajudá-los. Eles ensinaram a cultivar comida, deram-lhes medicamentos naturais, ensinaram a construir casas e a caçar animais. 
Em 1621 esse grupo de ingleses decidiu retribuir a ajuda com um jantar especial de agradecimento. Foi assim que se iniciou a tradição do Thanksgiving. Esse primeiro jantar durou três dias! 

Recipe:     Apple Tart

Ingredients:   300gr flour
                     150gr margarine
                     100gr sugar
                     a touch of cinnamon
                     1 egg (switched)
                     1 tablespoon milk

            Filling:   6 medium apples
                         75gr raisins
Steam apples and leave to cool. Crumb flour and margarine, add dry ingredients. Add liquid and mix to a stiff dough. Divide the dough ball into one third + two thirds. Roll on one third for bottom of tart, take necessary amount from two thirds to roll out tart rim. Spread raisins, plus apples on tart bottom. Roll out the remaining dough for 'lid'. Pinch edges with fingers. Brush with remaining liquid. Bake at 200º for c. 30 minutes.

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